• Shekinah New Testament Assembly GIVE
Donate Shekinah New Testament Assembly

Support by Giving

Join with us in bringing the healing love of Jesus to those in need by supporting us financially.

Support Shekinah NTA today!

To make a secure online donation please complete this simple form. Thank you for partnering with us to see God's healing and love come to those who are in need. For larger gifts you can also make a bank transfer.

Other Ways You Can Give

You can also support the ministry in the following ways...

Payments to our bank accounts can be made to the following accounts depending on where you would like your donation to be allocated. Please email [email protected] stating the transfer date, the amount donated and whether you are wanting to Gift Aid your donation so that our team can then know to look out for your gift and acknowledge it appropriately.

We earn approximately 55% of our annual income through selling events and resources. The remainder of our budget (approximately 45%) is received through donation income. Shekinah Ministries is not a church in the traditional sense and so does not benefit from regular tithed income from church members.

Did you know that whenever you buy anything online - from your weekly shop to your annual holiday - you could be raising free donations for Ellel Ministries with easyfundraising?

There are over 4,000 shops and sites on board ready to make a donation - including eBay, Argos, John Lewis, ASOS, Booking.com and M&S - and it won't cost you a penny extra to help us raise funds.

All you need to do is:

  1. Go to the easyfundraising website and join for free.
  2. Every time you shop online, go to easyfundraising first to find the site you want and start shopping.
  3. After you've checked out, the retailer will make a donation to Ellel Ministries at no extra cost to you whatsoever!

"I came a very angry, broken and confused person who desperately wanted a quick fix. My mind was trapped, full of tormenting thoughts and memories, a constant barrage of regret, grief, hurt and anger. Although still on a journey of healing, I can now see God’s transforming power in my life."

Claire, UK


  • hope for people who are desperate
  • lives to be changed by the love and power of God which then goes on to impact other lives, families, churches and communities
  • people to attend residential Healing Retreats without charge (includes full-board accommodation, teaching and prayer ministry)
  • people to receive ongoing prayer ministry appointments without charge
  • people to come on our free teaching and ministry events held each year.
  • a way for people to be heard, in a safe, loving and confidential environment
  • a warm and welcoming environment for people who are in distress
  • provision of free online discipleship and healing resources
  • keeping the costs of our courses as low as possible so that more people can attend
  • maintenance of the centres that God has provided for the ministry to operate from
  • resources for building prayer ministry teams in the local church.


International Support

Explore your true, God-given identity, cast off the things that really are not you and flourish as the person God created you to be.


Legacy Giving

Explore your true, God-given identity, cast off the things that really are not you and flourish as the person God created you to be.


UK Centre Fundraising

Explore your true, God-given identity, cast off the things that really are not you and flourish as the person God created you to be.


"Thank you Jesus, my Saviour. I love you. Thank you for healing me. Thank you for setting me free."


How Our Finances Work

We take our financial responsibility very seriously and don't take donations for granted. We believe we have been entrusted with a precious resource and are constantly seeking God for the best way to use those resources to enable the most fruitfulness. Please see our questions below for more information about how the finances of the ministry work.

As a registered charity (The Christian Trust), Shekinah Ministries is regulated by the Charity Commission for England and Wales. Our accounts are independently audited each year and available online through the Charity Commission website. We are also registered with the Fundraising Regulator and have committed to follow their guidance on fundraising policy. Below are two documents - the Fundraising Promise that we have committed to through the Fundraising Regulator and a Complaints Procedure.

We earn approximately 55% of our annual income through selling events and resources. The remainder of our budget (approximately 45%) is received through donation income. Shekinah Ministries is not a church in the traditional sense and so does not benefit from regular tithed income from church members.

We never charge for Healing Retreats (3-day residential events) or personal ministry appointments and we offer a number of free events each year. We offer many free resources on our website and regularly sponsor pastors and leaders on our longer training programmes. We do charge for our other events and this enables us to generate the income needed to offer the above without charge.

As a charity we are not able to pay commercial salaries but we do have an allowance structure that seeks to pay people according to their needs. Some volunteer their time freely, others live on lower allowances as part of our live-in communities at the centres and others live out of the centres earning at least the National Living Wage. Even the highest team allowances are around the UK average wage.

Connect with us

For general UK enquiries
contact Shekinahnta on
Pastor Thomas : +44 (0) 79047 34319
Sister Sherly : +44 (0) 7760 786717

Or Email Us
[email protected]
[email protected]

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