01 Jan 1970
“Thank you, Derek Prince Ministries and their supporters, for your prayer and gifts. Your support helps us to reach what is often thought of as ‘the unreachable’ people in the remote Indigenous communities of our great nation, Australia.”
These heartfelt words come from Peter and Katie Dunstan after they returned from their 9,600-kilometer ministry trip in May 2023 to places such as Alice Springs in Northern Territory, Kununurra, Wyndham and Warmun in Western Australia, and Townsville, Cairns and Yarrabah in the State of Far North Queensland.
Peter is a Pastor and teacher. Katie is a First Nation Indigenous Christian leader, pastor, prophetic preacher, and revivalist. Both are partnering with DPM Australia. Their heart is to bring the Gospel to ‘reach the unreached and teach the untaught’. For this reason, they frequently take mission trips to the Aboriginal communities in Australia to minister and share Derek's resources.
One of the places they visited in May was Warmun, a remote Aboriginal community 250 km west of Wyndham in Western Australia. “Teaching is the great priority among many Indigenous communities. Derek Prince booklets are gratefully received and devoured”, Peter advised. “We were blessed to see local Indigenous leadership begin to emerge and take their place.” As they travelled, preached and ministered, many Aboriginal people received the Lord and were healed or delivered.
One of the other places they visited was the Aboriginal community south of Cairns, called Yarrabah. Yarrabah is the traditional country of the Gunggandji and Mandingalbay Yidinji people. In their traditional belief, they were guided by Buleru, ancestral spirits who gave them their cultural lore/law, belief system and creation stories.