• Shekinah New Testament Assembly GIVE
She Found Her True Identity Through The Love of God

This young woman saved up to go to CAP. On the second day Apostle Maldonado activated attendees and she was immersed in God's love. She testifies that she is a mother and before her encounter with God she didn't know who she was as a mother or even as a woman. She would drink every night, she would be drunk at work and then take care of her child, and no one else knew her struggle. But now God has restored her. She knows who she is, where she is going and who God wants her to be.

One encounter with His love can transform your life like you've never imagined. We want more of God this CAP 2018! Are you believing for a life changing encounter?

CAP is free this year, all you have to do is register at capglobal.org.

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